Be fierce….Be wild….Be bad….Dance Filthy!



Performer Information*



    • Entrants must be over 18 at the time of entry.
    • Application fee is non-refundable.
    • Applicants may be any gender.
    • Applicants can be national or international.
    • Applicants must make themselves aware of all Dance Filthy USA code of conduct and terms and conditions prior to entry.
    • Competitors will be judged on the same criteria in the Submission Video and Final rounds.
    • Poles will be cleaned in between each performer.
    • Judges decision is final.
    • DFUSA reserves the right to make modifications to the rules, regulations, terms, and conditions of the competition at any time.

Judging & Criteria

There will be 3 judges.

Competitors will be judged on the following criteria (40 POINTS MAX):

    • ­ Pole tricks (skillful execution and difficulty): 10 points – Do you have a variety of tricks and spins? Are you trick heavy ? Are you clean in and out of the trick? **Please note there are no trick requirements or restrictions in any division – however, this IS a POLE DANCING competition, so tricks are expected to be included.
    • Floor work and dance: 10 points – Does the routine flow, does it have enough floor work to connect the routine, does the floor work look effortless?
    •  Costume: 10 points – Have you made an effort; do you have props? Have you put thought into your show and performance? Does the costume support your theme/character? Are you wearing heels (not required!)?
    • “Filthy Factor” (stage presence, sexiness, creativity, engagement with audience, entertainment and originality): 10 points – Is the performance original and creative, was the performance sexy or inappropriate?


  1. Failure to abide by the DFUSA rules and regulations before and during the event.
  2. Inappropriate costume, or wardrobe malfunction that exposes prohibited body parts (intentionally or otherwise), per judges’ discretion.
  3. During the show, the competitors may not converse with the judges.
  4. Accidental exposure of genitals or breasts may result in a -5 point deduction to the competitor’s overall score, per judges’ discretion.
  5. Showing ANY misconduct or behavior (including online) that would defame the character, reputation and image of Dance Filthy USA and its affiliate competitions. Winners and title holders must be willing to represent DFUSA and all affiliated parties/sponsors in a positive light before, during and after the competition. Failure to do so may result in stripping of any titles awarded and/or banned from future DFUSA events.
  6. Failing to appear on time to the venue.
  7. Touching the rigging, lights, cables, or other areas of the stage or truss (intentionally or otherwise).
  8. Falls and slips (depending on severity – judges may stop performance).
  9. If the organizers feel you are intoxicated or unsafe to perform due to consumption of drugs or alcohol, you will be immediately disqualified.
  10. Plagiarism of choreography on the pole or floor work can result in either a deduction or disqualification, per the judges’ discretion.
Competitors may contact Dance Filthy USA at any time with any questions or concerns:

Video Submission Rules:

    • Videos MUST be on youtube or vimeo. No downloadable files allowed. Videos may be on unlisted setting in youtube, but not private.
    • Videos must be between 2 – 4 minutes in length (any longer will not be watched).
    • Videos must not be edited in any way, and must be filmed in one single take (i.e. no splicing together of different clips).
    • Videos must be of good quality with sufficient lighting.
    • Only one video will be viewed per entrant per category. Entrants cannot submit multiple videos.
    • The video must show only the entrant performing. It is not acceptable to submit a group performance and expect the judges to identify the entrant in the group. Human props are allowed to be in the video if they are being used as human props and not also performing.
    • The description of the video on YouTube or Vimeo must contain the entrant’s proposed performance description (so that the judges can easily refer to it while watching). For example: ”In my proposed performance at Dance Filthy USA 2024, I will be portraying a nerdy school girl who desperately wants to prove she’s not a young girl anymore bound by her books.”
    • It is strongly advised that competitors submit a video that matches the Dance Filthy criteria, i.e. it is advisable to enter a video of you doing a more sexy performance with floor work rather than a contemporary lyrical piece. This is so the judges can see that you are capable of “Dancing Filthy”. It is also important to make sure you have a balance between tricks and floor work, and that you demonstrate that you have strong performance skills and have good stage presence, even if your video is filmed in a studio setting. The judges want to see that you are capable of engaging and connecting with an audience.

Videos must be submitted by August 31st,  2024.


    • Entry is open to anyone aged over 18 years.
    • Amateurs: If you have never won an amateur competition before or competed in a professional level competition, this is the division for you. Paid performers are prohibited from entering this division. If you have won a smaller amateur competition or competed in a professional level competition, but believe that you should still be allowed to compete in amateur, please email with details/video links of the relevant competition and your reasons why you think you should be classed as an amateur. Pole dance instructors are allowed to enter the amateur division if they have never won an amateur comp or competed in a professional level competition.

    • Semi-Pros: If you have won an Amateur competition but have never won a Semi-Pro competition before or have competed in a professional level competition, or if you are an instructor, this is the division for you! Paid performers can enter this division.

    • Professionals: If you have won an amateur or semi-pro competition or competed in a professional level competition before, then you must enter the professional division. You do not need to be an instructor or a paid performer to enter this division.

Applicants are selected based on the video submitted.

Props, Costume, etc

    • Performers are permitted to use any props (no sex toys – light bondage is ok), sets, costuming, additional performers, sound effects, performance apparatus or footwear, provided that:
      • a. the space allows for it physically;
      • b. it is of a size that can be easily transported on a plane (so that international competitors are not disadvantaged); and
      • c. it can be set up and completely removed in under 3 minutes.
    • If any props are to be used, performers must advise us by email, and must send photos of their proposed props for approval.
    • Competitors are allowed to remove items of costume, down to g-­string and pasties.
    • Humans are allowed as a prop, and they may touch the pole, but for no more than 30 seconds.  You will be marked down if they touch it longer. Human props must submit application fee, application and performer paperwork if selected.
    • All human props must be pre approved, provide proper ID, and are required to fill out DFUSA paperwork and pay entry fees to perform.
    • No glass of ANY kind, no fire, shoes/clothing or any materials that could potentially damage the poles/stage/etc.
    • No pets or live animals
    • Nothing that clamps to the pole and is intended to bear your body weight, such as hand loops, FabPole or PoleSilks type devices.
    • All liquid, messy and dirty props (hot wax, oils, liquids, paint, sand) will be required to be used on stage over a drop sheet and must be pre-approved.


    • You must submit a description of your performance on your application. Any significant changes to the performance after October 1st, 2024 are not permitted without organizer approval.
    • At Dance Filthy USA, we are looking for fun, wild, sexy and creative routines. We want you to entertain, surprise and delight your audience… but not frighten them! We are not looking for vulgar or offensive shows. It’s a fine line… If you aren’t sure, please call or email us to discuss your ideas.
    • Your final round performance does not have to be the same as your submission video performance.

Competitors Performance

  1. Competitors must arrive at the venue at their allocated time on the day for rehearsals. Being late to the venue is grounds for points deducted from final score. Competitors are responsible for any missed information discussed at check-in meetings.
  2. Competitors must not consume alcohol or any prohibited substance prior to performing.
  3. Performances must be between 2 and 3:30 min long. All performances that exceed 3 minutes and 30 seconds will have their music cut on the night.


  • Stage Dimensions: 25ft long, 13 feet wide, and 3.5 feet tall.
  • Poles will be permanently set to STAGE RIGHT STATIC. STAGE LEFT SPIN. This means if you are standing on stage and looking out at the audience, the pole on your right is static, and the pole on your left is spinning.
  • Because of the rigging, the poles will be right at 11 feet 4 inches. Two Chrome X-Poles/45mm. Poles are approximately 13 feet apart.
  • Per venue owner, you are prohibited from touching any part of the truss system above the poles, as well as the top edge of the back wall. These areas are off limits for safety reasons, and points will be deducted, or competitor may be disqualified  if found in violation of this rule, per judges discretion.
  • For safety, lighting, photography, and videography reasons, performers are prohibited from entering or exiting the stage from the front.

Waiver of Liability

  1. The competitors acknowledge and accept that Pole Dance Academy, Dance Filthy USA,  its owners, staff (the Organizers) and The (Venue) staff and owners (“Venue Related Parties”) are not responsible for injury or damage resulting from participation in the competition, including the competitors’ arrival and departure from the competition.
  2. The competitors acknowledge that pole dance is a dangerous activity and as such the competitors voluntarily accept the risks associated in participating in the competition.
  3. The competitors waive to the full extent permitted by law all legal rights of action against and fully releases the Venue and Venue Related Parties and the Organizers and Related Parties for the loss, damages, or injury howsoever arising out of or in relation to the participation by the competitors in the activities conducted or organised by the Organizers and Related Parties including without limitation, liability for any negligent or tortious act or omission, breach of duty, breach of contract or breach of statutory duty on the part of the Organizers or Related Parties.
  4. If a competitor is pregnant at the time of competition, DFUSA requires that you submit a doctor’s note dated within two weeks of the event certifying that you are able to compete safely.
  5. DFUSA will not be held liable to competitors or performers for any loss or expenses suffered either directly or indirectly resulting from a breach of DFUSA’s terms and conditions.
  6. DFUSA will not be held liable for any injury or damage incurred by competitors or performers during any stage of the competition.


  1. Competitors are aware that they may be photographed or filmed during their performance.
  2. The competitor acknowledges that photos or video may be published by the Organizers indefinitely.
  3. The competitor releases all rights or claims over any photos or videos, and acknowledges that such material is the property of and can be used by the Organizers for promotional or other uses, without compensation to the competitor indefinitely.